Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to the United States.

 In Morocco, there were about 4 or 5 passport checks to get through the airport.
            Those in front of us were stopped and intently checked.
     All except for the initial check, they did not even open our passports once they saw the cover saying “The United States of America”
 In countries like Morocco or Uganda, westerners are often treated like celebrities.
                                    As least, this has been my experience.

As I was going through customs in Atlanta,
I noticed signs saying “Welcome to the United States”
It took me a while to realize them, but once I did I couldn’t help but find them to be of great significance.
Although to me, it means very little.
       I am an American.
            I’m not worried if I have the next meal or if my family has to sell me to afford being alive.
            I know I’ll be taken care of.
To many around the world, the US is only a fantasyland.
                                    It’s a place where there is freedom.
                        This is something that will never be a reality to many.
            Seeing those words “Welcome to the United States” is a dream to many,
                        And yet, it’s something I don’t even notice or appreciate.
           I take too great of an advantage being from America.
No matter how messed up our government may seem or how low our economy appears,
                 we are still a land of freedom that attempts to bring justice.
            We are still considered wealthy because we have food.
                                             We have some sense of security.
We have freedom.
Seeing the words “Welcome to the United States” will never become reality to many who suffer because they were merely born in the wrong land.
I must stop taking advantage of this great wealth I was born into.
      I am so blessed just by being an American citizen and I don’t even realize it.

Can you imagine what is running through the minds of those who are desperate to make it to America and actually do? 
What are they thinking when they see the sign "Welcome to the United States"? 
Jesus, show me.


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