Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The One With The Day I Can't Remember.

Not too much is new around here except my health is slowly retuning to me :).

The medicine is finally working and I can take in liquids! This is a major accomplishment for me!! I was so dehydrated, I even blacked out. I haven't told anyone that until now actually- I didn't want to freak anyone out. I was at home walking down the hall to grab something in my room when everything went black and I collapsed. I was also very weak and in my own little world. I am just happy to drink again!! I still can't eat, it's been 10 days now so I have been drinking more than just water to help with the energy level. I keep thinking I can, so as I am about to get a piece of bread or something easy, my stomach freaks out. I don't if it's a lack of something or my meds but I have been extra delusional lately. I have had a few major freak outs. I could swear I felt every molecule in my body. At one point, I could feel my finger nails growing and so on. I also was convinced I didn't sleep an entire night and had my eyes open, but then in the morning it quickly became evident I dreamed the entire night. Especially when I thought my dreams had been real and I referred to them and people thought I was insane. I have also been convinced there were a few earthquakes throughout the past 2 days, but then when I ask someone if they felt it they look at me as if I were crazy. And a few more random things I have done that arn't normal. Haha. I find this all very funny.

I spent most of the weekend at home due to weakness, but it wasn't bad. I do enjoy hanging out with my family! I did take a couple ventures into Mukono. It's probably a mile and a half walk there, so not too bad. The name of the village I live is Nabuti (Na-booty). Bah. I love it. It's so cute and fun!

Sunday was my birthday. At midnight, my brother and I were still up playing cards and hanging out. He disappeared, I didn't know the time nor did I remember at the time it was my birthday. He came back with a little sign he had made that said Happy Birthday. It was so cute, it looked like a 7 year old made it, but he is 19. We went to bed, woke up, and walked to church. I was so dizzy and still dehydrated. At the point I was able to drink but only a little at a time or it wouldn't stay down. When I woke up and until after church I had once again forgotten it was my birthday until my sister said Happy Birthday. We didn't really do anything. My brother taught me how to play chess and we get competitive when we play games so it was fun beating him my first time playing. Didn't much else but go into Mukono and get Sprite and played with the village kids. I taught them the chicken dance a while back and now I can't go anywhere without someone trying to get me to join in with them.

Monday came and I had more energy then the past 2 weeks and it was great. Phil, the intern, played Happy Birthday to me on his Ukulele and then later in the day came into class and played again, this time having the entire class join in. It was nice of him to do that, technically the most celebrating that was done. But they don't really celebrate birthdays here except for dumping water on you. My family didn't do this becasue I was sick :).
On my walk home, I even had enough energy to dance and play with the village kids. I hadn't done this in quite a while so it was fun to get back out there.

Last night I got another visitor while I was sleeping. This time it was a cockroach. Eww. I woke up and something has on my arm, i flicked it off, but then it returned so I opened my eyes and half way freaked out. I opened my mosquito net and flicked it out. I didn't sleep the remainder of the night.

My friend Suzan just gave me a poem she wrote for my birthday. It was sweet. She is a very funny gal. She has gone with me into town a few times and helped me haggle to make sure I don't get the Muzungu price, which I appreciate. She also translates what the Boda Boda drivers (type of taxi system) are saying to me when I pass. Not all of them are appropiate but I did get offered a free ride. Well that's about all for now. I don't know if I will get on here before the end of the week, but I will try. Just as a warning, on Friday we are going West into the Bush to do our Rural Home stays for 10 days or so.



  1. AWWWW that is so sweet how your family cares for you. We continue to pray for your health, safety and blessings.

  2. Hope you are feeling better Michelle! I FINALLY got your package off today. Your mom told me that the mail takes awhile. I am loving the pictures. You should write a book!
