Monday, March 2, 2009

The One With the Rural Beginnings.

I am back from Kapchorwa. I had an AMAZING week! So much to tell and not a lot of time, I will have to do this in separate installments.

First of all, I can eat again! Not a lot and random days I still can’t, but I am getting there. The family I stayed with didn’t understand the fact I can’t eat a lot so I got really good at feeding the chickens and dog when they weren’t looking. I also played with the food to make it look like I was eating. I got good at that too.

I am also a little surprised I left without a husband, or at least a fiancĂ©. Not kidding, I got proposed to 7 times in 10 days. All by different guys too. My second night there, my mom was trying to arrange a marriage with the neighbor who is 29! A little old for my taste. His name was Sam and for the remainder of the week he kept bringing it up. In this culture, a bride price must be paid. The norm is 7 cows, well one guy offered my parents 40 cows! I was really tempted to take him up on that. I was seriously close to calling my parents and asking them if that’s cool. I guess I’m worth something here. I also have plans to go Kenya in August ;). I was asked to go back to Kenya with one of the guys to meet his family. I told him I would go. I hope he doesn’t get too broken hearted when I don’t show up.

My mother is a primary teacher and my father is a farmer and owns a little shop. They have 4 kids, the eldest is 15 and 13—they are both at boarding school so they weren’t there. But the youngest 2 were there, Benja is 6 and Queen Esther is 18 months. She was a brat, but still cute. Benja was awesome, I played with him a lot. I also got to go to school with my mom everyday. That was quite awesome. I literally hung out with 400 kids. They love to sing and always wanted me to sing to them. I couldn’t remember many songs so I made them up. Haha. Except for the hokey pokey and the chicken dance, they never heard the same dong twice. The hokey pokey was a hit. The first time I did it and finished, I got a standing ovation. You would have thought I had just performed the ninth symphony blind and deaf.

I learned how to carry things on my head. I am pretty good at it now. It’s not as hard as it looks, except when you have an entire tree trunk on your head walking up hill for half a mile. But it was definitely interesting.

I have class soon so more to come later. Peace.


  1. Michelle - Well, a few cattle for our backyard might be a great addition to the neighborhood but let me ask you do you intend on getting them here???
    GLAD to hear you are feeling better!
    Love ya lots,

  2. You should've taken the 40 cows!! :D ahaha, you're too funny. It is WONDERFUL to know your health is coming back!!!

  3. WOW! Hope your parents here getting bigger land.....HAHAHA
