Monday, March 30, 2009

The One With Life.

First of all, I would like to sincerely thank everyone who sent me a card and/or box. It means a lot to me that you took the time out of your day and thought of me. I recommend not sending any more packages becasue the mail system is random and can't count on a delivery before I leave for Rwanda.

I am not really sure what to update anymore. Life here is just like living daily life, I am so used to it it's hard to know what people would want to read. I will try to give something.

Last Friday we went on a field trip to the Buganda Parliment building and the Kabaca's Palace. Having been to a lot of touristy places like these in the past, I felt these were rather more plain looking. On the land of the Kabaca's Palace is an underground torture area. I don't know how many of you have seen The Last King of Scotland about the president Idi Amein who regined in the 70's. The man giving us the tour said the president's actions were much worse then seen in the movie. In the torture chamber they filled it with water and put lines of electricity running into the water. Also while we were in this chamber, in the last room there were a bunch of bones. We were told they were remains from the many people killed. Once one entered this area, they weren't coming out alive. In this place, I could feel an intense dark spiritual battle. It was hard to witness. I can't imagine what Rwanda is going to be like. I just watched Sometime in April last night, it's about the 1994 genocide. If you want to cry for 2 hours, I recommend that movie. The thing that makes it so hard is the reality it is. I was watching it and thinking this is true- 800,000 people killed in 100 days. How could people do this to one another?

On a brighter note, I went to Kampala on Saturday to watch a couple of friends get baptized. It took place at Lake Victoria and on the same beach was at least a thousand of indivduals dancing and singing and many of them to be what looked liked to be getting baptized. However, we found out it was actually a colt and people were money to be dunked in the water for "healing."

Yesterday, I spent the day hanging out with my sister. We had a lot of fun and it was nice to have a low key day.

Our house has been under construction for the past few weeks so everything has been crazy. I finally put my mosiquto net back up last night and yet I still managed to get attacked with many bites. My hands are covered in bites. The other night one of our dogs ate one of our cats. I bet it tasted like chicken...

I know there is more I could say, but for today I am done with an update. I have homework I need to be doing.



  1. Sounded like some very interesting moments. Looking forward to you coming back here and hearing more. Stay safe and we continue to pray for you.

    God bless,


  2. so good to hear how you are doing! thats crazy about the healing for money deal.... such a bummer. love ya!
