Sunday, January 25, 2009

The One with Faith and Action.

I am back from my weekend trip to Jinja, but I am not gonna blog about that until tomorrow. Today, I want to focus on something different. The following are some realizations I had last week. Some are from a class I found interesting.
- I under estimate the spiritual aspect of this world. The devil and God are both at work under the surface. It's amazing how much I have not, and still do not realize this.
-God WILL fight for me. He is a jealous God.
-God's revelation is not complete without Africa or any other culture.
- The greatness of God cannot be grasped.
-I have brought Him down to my level and that is not where He belongs. He is not my friend, He is my God.
-God has been revealed in every culture but not necessarily the same revealing. The entire truth cannot be known until Heaven. It is our decision to see His little piece of truth we have the privilege to see.
-As he is slowly revelaing more about Him; we know so much more now than they did 2000 yrs ago.
-There is no possible way to fully understand God.
-There is a line that needs to drawm in todays American culture and I must stand firm on my feet. I cannot get hazy in where I stand!
-Now is the time to repent becasue tomorrow could be too late.
-If you are ruthless in religion, you are going to be ruthless with everything. Even in secular societies, religion is ingrained. God is ingrained.
-If I am not uncomfortable, than I am not fully opening up to God. There has to be a willingness for the messy stuff or growth cannot be possible.

So, these are just a few things that have struck me. I don't have much time but perhaps I will get more tomorrow.


  1. Once again I am amazed at your insight. We keep praying for you everyday. Waiting to read more.

    God bless you,


  2. You are wise way beyond your years. As you study the world, you'll learn that all cultures have something in common with a belief in God. As you'll find, most peoples of the world are good people and profess their beliefs in God in different ways. There are truly no wrong religions, just people doing wrong things in the name of their religion.

  3. I finally signed up with google to be able to comment on here! Thanks again Michelle for your updates. You do have wonderful insight and understanding! I'm amazed as it took me much longer on the planet to get to that place. Lots of prayers for you!
