Monday, January 19, 2009

The One Where I put up Pictures

The laundry I am not yet allowed to do.

The Potty!

The house

Some of our yard!

My room that I share with 2 other people and a toddler.

The shower

In Kampla

My Chickens!!!

A building on campus

I love the sky! especially sunsets!

I found this sign amusing.


  1. What an amazing first couple of weeks! I love the chickens. I hope that your next week is injury free and that you heal up quickly. Your blog is great. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  2. Hi Michelle! I love reading your posts, everything sounds so exciting! I miss seeing you around, next fall we will have to be friends and hang out :D I hope your ankle is doing better!

  3. Another 'huge' hill got you, huh?? Hope you're doing OK with the swelling, blisters, etc. Glad you are now an experienced 'ranch hand' collecting those eggs. I used to do that as a kid but not for 700 chickens! Watch out for those roosters....we had one that loved to chase me! LOVE the pictures & update.
